New Product Spotlight: A-Dorot-ble

New Product Spotlight

Look for the New Product Spotlight logo for what’s new at Dean’s

Every once in a while, a new product comes in that is so wicked-cool, we kind of want to shout it from the rooftops, do cartwheels, marry it. This is one of them.


Picture this scenario, if you will – if you’re an avid cook, you’ve lived it. You get ready to start cooking dinner and your recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of chopped cilantro – d’oh! You don’t have cilantro just laying around, who does? You know why? Because you use the 4 stalks you need and the rest goes to waste because, really, what are you going to do with all that cilantro? Or ginger – when I stir-fry, I use a little bit of chopped ginger and the rest I find sad. mushy and wrapped in plastic in the back of my fridge 2 months later. (Honestly, haven’t we all said too, “I’ll just DRY what’s left” and ended up with something resembling a dead bouquet of flowers?)

To the rescue – Dorot Frozen Herbs. Grown on Kibbutz Dorot in Israel (which is also home to a working farm, over 3500 acres), Dorot picks the herbs, chops ’em, packs them and flash-freezes them fresh off the field. The really cool part? THIS:


Proportioned in little ice cube trays, Dorot packs the perfect cooking size of their herbs, ready to be used whenever you need them (instead of being stuck with a bunch of herbs for a few leaves). Nothing gets wasted. You can keep them on-hand as they last for 24 months in the freezer. Need 2 cloves of garlic, don’t feel like the sticky mess or having your hands smell? Pop a couple of these suckers out and you’re set. Making a stir-fry and need a bit of ginger? P0P! Culinary genius. And they’re are just so darned cute.

So far we’ve got garlic, ginger, basil, parsley and cilantro, if you guys like them we’ll see if we can bring in some of their others. Hope you enjoy as much as we do!

PS: I’m adding a new category and tag to this to use going forward: Foodie. Because this product is a foodie’s dream and may as well tage some of the other posts which foodies would like too – cheers!

2 responses to “New Product Spotlight: A-Dorot-ble

  1. Genius! Please tell me they’re organic, pretty please??

  2. Hi Abby! They are not certified organic, no, BUT they are grown without use of pesticides and are non-GMO.

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